Pick one country at random. Research about the country’s drinks and drinking traditions. Make packaging for either whiskey or rum by involving one of the research elements.
Pick one country at random. Research about the country’s drinks and drinking traditions. Make packaging for either whiskey or rum by involving one of the research elements.
Taiwan has a lot of fun drinking traditions because Taiwanese people “NEVER DRINK ALONE”. One of the traditions that is utilized is “Ganbei”. Ganbei means “cheers” in Mandarin. After a person says “Ganbei”, everyone on the table has to finish whatever drink they have in their glass ( or at least try to). The colors are inspired by traditional Taiwanese packaging. This packaging also includes a game meant to be played in a group setting. The packaging folds out into a table to play the game on.
Didn’t think drinking could be any more fun , did you?
Taiwan has a lot of fun drinking traditions because Taiwanese people “NEVER DRINK ALONE”. One of the traditions that is utilized is “Ganbei”. Ganbei means “cheers” in Mandarin. After a person says “Ganbei”, everyone on the table has to finish whatever drink they have in their glass ( or at least try to). The colors are inspired by traditional Taiwanese packaging. This packaging also includes a game meant to be played in a group setting. The packaging folds out into a table to play the game on.
Didn’t think drinking could be any more fun , did you?
LOGO Design
Brand Assets
Card Game
Packaging Live Mock